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Sira: A Journey of Transformation
Lecture 1
About Cambridge Muslim College (3:34)
A Majestic & Timeless Story (2:37)
Sifting Fact From Fiction (14:30)
The Physical Landscape of Arabia (10:53)
Abraham, Hajar & Ismail (as) (7:50)
The Demise of Monotheism & the Rise of Paganism (12:03)
The Return of the Ishmaelites (10:10)
Hashemite Mecca: Pagan and Poor (16:30)
Events Foreshadowing the Chosen One ﷺ (9:16)
Lecture 2
The Best Story (4:28)
The Mafia & Tribalism: A Comparison (13:31)
The Hanafiyya in Arabia (7:04)
The Birth of the Prophet ﷺ (7:32)
Judeo-Christian Anticipation of the Coming (14:35)
The Prophet's ﷺ Early Childhood (10:15)
Bahira the Monk and the Prophetic Seal (10:25)
The Prophet's ﷺ Early Adulthood (7:30)
Khadija (ra) & the Blessed Marriage (11:17)
Lecture 3
Al-Amin – The Trustworthy One ﷺ (8:53)
The First Revelation (18:46)
Waraqa bin Nawfal (7:16)
Picturing the Majesty of Revelation (11:53)
Significance of the Black Stone (8:47)
The Heart, the Ka’aba and Purification (9:45)
The Earliest Converts (5:18)
The Prophet's ﷺ Message Becomes Public (14:09)
The House of Al-Arqam (3:29)
Persecution of the Weak (6:27)
Lecture 4
The First Migration: Abyssinia (9:16)
Quraysh Send an Embassy (6:21)
The Muslim Delegation (3:32)
An Appeal to Common Ground (11:22)
On Jesus, Son of Mary (7:06)
The Conversion of Umar (ra) (14:59)
The Transformative Power of the Qur’an (13:46)
The Year of Sadness (22:41)
Lecture 5
Hope in Abandonment (5:20)
The Night Journey (8:27)
The Symbolism of the Journey (21:43)
Salat & the Chalice of Milk (12:49)
Appointing Abu Bakr as "As-Siddiq" (7:34)
Aisha's (ra) Betrothal to the Prophet ﷺ (11:55)
A Political Opening (18:15)
The Migration to Yathrib (14:00)
Lecture 6
In Madina: Islam as a Public Reality (12:51)
The Prophet's ﷺ Arrival in Yathrib (11:19)
Al-Qaswa, the Prophet's ﷺ Camel (10:12)
The Emergence of the Hypocrites (11:45)
The Jews of Madina (9:11)
The Adhan (9:56)
A Transnational Ummah (11:09)
Permission Granted to Fight (16:50)
Preparations for the Battle of Badr (16:26)
A Poem on Saintly Warriorhood (7:27)
Lecture 7
Nobility in Warfare (8:59)
The Principle of Sacred Warriorhood (7:35)
Angelic Intervention at Badr (10:25)
Exploring the Ancient Idea of Primordial Battle (7:15)
After Badr (16:17)
The Marriage of Hazrat Ali and Sayyida Fatima (ra) (10:00)
The Emergence of Ahl Al-Bayt (7:38)
Spiritual Developments After the Hijrah (16:10)
The Political Story After Badr (4:09)
Lecture 8
The Epic: A Journey Back to Ourselves (4:55)
The Battle of Uhud (17:04)
Uhud Ends (15:44)
Formation of the Confederates (5:00)
Building the Trench (6:13)
The Battle of the Trench (16:56)
The Forbidding of Alcohol (2:30)
The Prophet's ﷺ Marriage to Umm Salamah (4:51)
Evolution of Muslim Economic History (1:50)
The Story of the Lie: Aisha's (ra) Necklace (8:09)
The Treaty of Hudaybiyah (11:36)
Advantages of the Treaty (9:53)
Attempt to Poison the Prophet ﷺ (1:55)
Spiritual Victories of Islam (13:24)
Lecture 9
Khalid Al Walid's (ra) Conversion (6:10)
Sadness and Tragedy in the Prophet's ﷺ Life (9:29)
Redefining Prophetic Lineage (4:54)
The Truce Period (11:06)
Violation of the Treaty (7:34)
Abu Sufyan's Conversion (12:09)
The Conquest of Mecca (14:47)
The Demise of Paganism (8:11)
Final Military Expeditions (9:52)
An Interfaith Encounter (7:51)
The Prophet's ﷺ Death (10:45)
The End of the Epic (7:58)
Reflections Lecture 1
The Theology of Miracles (13:29)
Free Will (12:43)
Human Agency (8:23)
Prophecy & Dreams (13:34)
The Prophet's ﷺ Ongoing Presence (7:58)
The Miracle of God's Speech & The Night Journey (9:24)
Mecca's Mysterious & Miraculous Landscape (3:30)
Miracles & the Ego (3:19)
Miracles Relating to Inanimate Objects (4:38)
Miracles Relating to Food (4:14)
Miracles Relating to Nature & Animals (6:04)
The Prophet's ﷺ Miraculous Prayers & Healing (16:39)
Activism in the World & Presence to the Sacred (5:48)
Reflections Lecture 2
The Inadequacy of Tarikh on the Sira (6:47)
The Story for Everyone (6:07)
The Prophetic Model in the Contemporary Context (10:09)
The Prophet ﷺ as Diplomat (6:26)
Islam as Aniconic (14:34)
Prophetic Praise in Arab Tradition (9:40)
The Prophet's ﷺ Universalism (8:04)
Persian Sound of Praise (4:03)
Chinese Exploration of Prophetic Perfection (6:13)
English Voices on the Sira (8:11)
The Prophet ﷺ as Transcendent Figure (13:25)
Reflections Lecture 3
Reverting to the Classical View of the Prophet ﷺ (8:51)
A Portrait of His ﷺ Perfection (14:32)
Shifa of Qad Iyad (3:35)
Reflecting on the Reality of the Prophet ﷺ (12:51)
The Fullness of the Prophet's ﷺ Praise (16:55)
The Ummah in Praise of the Prophet ﷺ (9:02)
Salawat on the Beloved ﷺ (12:02)
God's Prophets are Still Alive (9:53)
Tawassul: Requesting the Prophet's ﷺ Prayers (4:48)
Shafa'ah: The Prophet's ﷺ Intercession (12:58)
An Interfaith Encounter
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